Saturday 1 November 2014

How to Change Hair Color in Photoshop

Step 1

Open image “Girl”.
Let’s increase the brightness of the hair a little bit. Add a new Curves Adjustment layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves) and drag the curve up a little. Because we want this to be applied only to the hair let’s mask the effect elsewhere. Press D to set the default colors. Select the layer mask by clicking on it and press Ctrl + Backspace to fill the layer mask with black. Now with a round soft brush paint with white where the hair is. In a layer mask white reveals the layer and black conceals so by painting with white over the hair we will limit the Curves Adjustment layer effect only to it.

Step 2

Now let’s decrease the saturation. Add a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer by going to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation. Drag the saturation slider to the left in order to decrease the saturation. Do the same thing with the layer mask as you did at step 2 (fill the layer mask with black and paint with white over the hair).
How to Change Hair Color in Photoshop 5

Step 3

Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + N) and change it’s blending mode to Overlay. Now choose a red color (#ff0000) and with a brush at 50% Opacity paint over the hair. And voila, we changed the color of her hair. But let’s make some further adjustments.
How to Change Hair Color in Photoshop 7 

Step 4

Add a Hue/Saturation Adjustment layer and drag the slider to the left or right until you find a color that you like. Once you’re done fill the layer mask with black and paint with white over the hair. I’ve chosen a magenta color to match with her dress.
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How to Change Hair Color in Photoshop 9

Step 5

Create a new layer from all the visible layers (Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E). Select the Dodge Tool and lighten up some strands of hair.

Step 6

Create yet another layer and change the layer blending mode to Overlay. Choose a green/cyan color (#50a596) and with a brush at 40% Opacity paint over her hair in some areas. This step will add some color variation to the hair.

Step 7

Now let’s boost up the contrast a bit. Add a Brightness/Contrast Adjustment layer (Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Brightness/Contrast) and drag the Contrast slider to the right. We’ve changed the hair color and we added some shine to it.
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Step 8

Now let’s color correct the color of the skin near the hair. Duplicate the Background layer (Ctrl + J) and drag it on top of all the layers. Add a layer mask to it and fill it with black. Now simply paint with a white brush in the layer mask to reveal the original face.
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How to Change Hair Color in Photoshop 13


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