Saturday 1 November 2014

Creating Fashion Contrast Photo Effect

Step 1

Start by finding a photo that you can demonstrate the effect or you can use the one i will use. Open photo in Photoshop and resize it by going to Image > Image Size (Width 1000 px, Height 667 px). Layer name is
Creating Fashion Contrast Photo Effect 1

Step 2

I´m going to use filters to remove small shortcomings quickly without basic retouching. Apply Filter > Blur > Smart Blur with following settings:
Creating Fashion Contrast Photo Effect 2

Step 3

Then i would like to increase sharpness and brightness a little bit by using Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen.
Creating Fashion Contrast Photo Effect 4
Creating Fashion Contrast Photo Effect 5

Step 4

Duplicate current layer with photo by using Ctrl+J and apply Image > Adjustments > Channel Mixer with similar settings to these:
Creating Fashion Contrast Photo Effect 6
Creating Fashion Contrast Photo Effect 7

Step 5

Change layer mode to Color Burn for this layer.
Creating Fashion Contrast Photo Effect 8

Step 6

Now we have two layers: one original layer on the bottom and one copied modified layer on top. Go to lower original layer and duplicate it again with Ctrl+J. Move it above all the layers on Layers palette and apply Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast:
Creating Fashion Contrast Photo Effect 9
Creating Fashion Contrast Photo Effect 10

Step 7

After that change layer mode for this layer to Lighter Color:
Creating Fashion Contrast Photo Effect 11

Step 8

Now we are going to reduce saturation of the photo. Duplicate current layer again and desaturate copy with Image > Adjustments > Desaturate.
Creating Fashion Contrast Photo Effect 12

Step 9

Increase brightness with Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast:
Creating Fashion Contrast Photo Effect 13
Creating Fashion Contrast Photo Effect 14

Final Image

Finally change layer mode to Screen for current layer.
Create a Greeting Card for Christmas and New Year
Creating Fashion Contrast Photo Effect 3


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