Tuesday 4 November 2014

Make Up Effect for the Face


image Make Up Effect for the Face
In this Photoshop tutorial I will be walking you through the creating new make up for the face.

Open up the photo you chosen to be working with for this tutorial. First of all we need to make face skin softer. For this effect duplicate layer with Ctrl+D and apply Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur with the next presets:
Make Up Effect Image 01
After that mess with the layer mode & opacity/fill. I tried Soft Light with opacity of 60%. Ok, now get out the Eraser Tool and make clear area out of face skin.
Make Up Effect Image 02
Merge two layers in one. See the difference:
Make Up Effect Image 03
After that I think we should add some lipstick on lips. So, select the Polygonal Lasso Tool and make selection as on picture below:
Make Up Effect Image 04
Press Ctrl+J to duplicate selected area and change the color with Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation using similar settings to these:
Make Up Effect Image 05
Now we have something like this:
Make Up Effect Image 06
To bring it real view find and get out the Eraser Tool and clear unnecessary parts of the layer out of lips. After that set opacity up to 70% for this layer.
Make Up Effect Image 07
Now I would like to change eyes color and add some eye shadows. Select the Elliptical Marquee Tool and make selection as below:
Make Up Effect Image 08
Press Ctrl+J to duplicate selected area on the new layer. Now Image > Adjustments > Levels with the next presets:
Make Up Effect Image 09
To get the next picture:
Make Up Effect Image 10
Ok, now select the Eraser Tool again and a soft round brush to make a little clean work as on picture below:
Make Up Effect Image 11
After that create a new layer, then select the Polygonal Lasso Tool and make selection similar to the picture below:
Make Up Effect Image 12
Fill the selection with color of #a2ab8d and press Ctrl+D to deselect chosen area:
Make Up Effect Image 13
Apply Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur with the next presets:
Make Up Effect Image 14
Make Up Effect Image 15
Change layer mode to Hue:
Make Up Effect Image 16
Looking pretty good! Isn’t it? And the last one thing, I would like to put on rouge. For this create a new layer, then get out the Brush Tool and a soft round brush and make not so big spots from the left and rights sides of the face using color of #ff94a8:
Make Up Effect Image 17
Now apply Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur with similar settings to these:
Make Up Effect Image 18
Your picture should look as mine:
Make Up Effect Image 19
Now clear rouge out of face borders using the Eraser Tool and set up layer mode to Color for the layer:
Make Up Effect Image 20
That is it! Now we have cool make up effect for the face.
Make Up Effect Image 21

Add Your Face to Movie Poster


image Add Your Face to Movie Poster
You can find a lot of tutorials how to paste another face to the picture. Here I’m planning to show you my own way how to do this step by step and explain how to process every small detail in this design. You will look as a real real star!

Let’s start by finding the poster where you wanna be main actress or actor. For example, I will use Twilight movie poster (r also feel free to use another posters from another movies what you like. Ok, then I need to put our picture on it. As for me,Open up your photo and use Polygonal Lasso Tool to select face on the picture.
Add Your Face to Movie Poster
Press Ctrl+C to copy selected area, then open up canvas with movie poster and paste (Press Ctrl+D) there copied part of image from you picture. If you need to rotate your face to find suitable position and size for it, just use Ctrl+T for free transform.
Add Your Face to Movie Poster
After that we can move to next step. For now use the Eraser Tool and a soft round brush about 50 px to remove hard edges from face fragment layer.
Add Your Face to Movie Poster
As we can see, skin color of face fragment is bit different from original color face on the movie poster. How we can resolve this problem? Very easy! Just apply Image > Adjustments > Color Balance with similar presets to these:
Add Your Face to Movie Poster
Now the result looks better as before. We got much correct saturation for face skin.
Add Your Face to Movie Poster
Ok, now use Dodge Tool (Brush: 30px, Range: Midtones, Exposure: 30%) to make some parts of face a little bit lighter.
Add Your Face to Movie Poster
See the difference now:
Add Your Face to Movie Poster
After that we have to make some burn work with the opposite side of the face. Select the Burn Tool (Brush: 25px, Range: Midtones, Exposure: 40%) and process eyes area with it.
Add Your Face to Movie Poster
Move to the next step. Now we need to add global shadow to the left part of face. Create new layer, after that use the Polygonal Lasso Tool to create selection and fill it with color of #1d0d08 on the new layer.
Add Your Face to Movie Poster
Remove selection with Ctrl+D and Apply Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur to blur current layer content about 3,8 pixels and change layer mode to Multiply.
Add Your Face to Movie Poster
Now will be the hardest part of doing this tutorial. We need to clear shadow layer with Eraser Tool and soft round brush with different sizes to get realistic view of shadow presence. I think, for the beginners in Photoshop it will be a little bit harder to get realistic result, but you have to try anyway. I got something like this:
Add Your Face to Movie Poster
We are finished with our tutorial! Now you’re looking like a great actress on that movie poster!
Add Your Face to Movie Poster

text on fire


In this tutorial you will learn how to create text on fire, also I will explain all the techniques how to transform the text in right format.

First of all you’ll have to start by finding some appropriate picture. I prefer to use this one which you can see below:
Text on Fire
Ok, now we need to add the text to the canvas to work with. Get out the Horizontal Type Tool and write out something like ‘Fire’ with any color you want.
Text on Fire 2
In the above image I’ve used AvantGarde as my font of choice. Actually, it is commercial, but if you don’t have it, you can easily find a good alternative. After that I would like to add some layer styles such as Drop Shadow, Outer Glow, Inner Glow, Satin and Color Overlay for this text layer.
Text on Fire 3
Text on Fire 4
Text on Fire 5
Text on Fire 6
Text on Fire 7
Text on Fire 8
Ok, move to the next step. After that create a new layer above and merge it with text layers to get all the effects in one layer. Then select the Smudge Tool (Brush: 10 px, Mode: Normal, Strength: 79%) and try to make some strokes as on my picture you can see below.
Text on Fire 9
Then apply Filter > Liquify and play a little with different tools to get the result maximum similar to mine:
Text on Fire 10
And the last one thing that we need to do is to put the word into the fire. For this effect select the Eraser Tool and a soft round brush about 20 pixels (Opacity: 40%) and make some clear work to finish off the tutorial.
Text on Fire 11 title=
Looks cool! Thanks for reading everyone! Hope it was really very interesting for you!
Text on Fire 12

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